Member Photo
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Lindsay Eason
Director, Field Operations
Management Team
Member Biography

Mr. Eason has a long and distinguished career in management, operations and law enforcement. He served in the New York City Police Department from 1973 to 1996, the last two years of which he served as Sergeant, Special Assignment/Executive Officer to then and now current Police Commissioner Bill Bratton. Mr. Eason left City service in 1996 to serve as Executive Security Aide at Bloomberg Financial, directing the security detail for Michael R. Bloomberg. After his election in 2002, Mayor Bloomberg appointed Mr. Eason as the New York City Sheriff, where he was responsible for overseeing the management of over 200 staff and a $13.5 million budget as the chief civil law enforcement officer for the City of New York. Mr. Eason earned a B.S. from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
